What are the limitations of chat GPT?

Limitations of chat GPT

Chat GPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI. 

Chat GPT the new and most wonderful discovery of open AI is most useful in today era. From student to high class level everybody uses it but like other things  the drawbacks of chat GPT have also some drawbacks and limitations. Chat GPT is released on November 30, 2022. Day by day AI tries to make it more beneficial and useful.  In today world  we often chat with AI chatbots like Chat GPT. But these bots are not perfect. They have limitations. This blog is all about understanding these limitations. We will talk about where these chatbots do well and where they struggle. From language issues to ethical concerns, we will break down the problems these bots face. So, if you are curious about how good these chatbots really are and what they cannot do keep reading.

Limitations of Chat GPT

Up to date

 A new update in Chat GPT makes it to give information up to January 2022. Before this it was limited only to 2021 but with the new update open AI extended to 2022. This means that Chat GPT has knowledge of events, information, and developments up until that year. It does not have access to information or events that occurred after its knowledge cutoff date.

Lack of Critical Thinking

Lack of critical thinking refers to the limitation of AI language models like ChatGPT in their inability to think critically evaluate information or make moral or reasoned judgments. Like homo sapiens/humans the AI chatbot like Char GPT does not have any ability to think critically. To think critically is the only ability of human beings. These models (Chat GPT) do not possess the capacity to think independently question assumptions or critically assess the quality and reliability of the information they generate or consume.

Old data/information

The greatest drawback of Chat GPT is that it only offers facts and experiences from the past. Predictions made by AI models are usually grounded on historical data which is used to train the algorithms. There is nothing that Chat GPT can tell you about the current time or circumstances. Because Chat GPT cannot deliver current information it is not appropriate for activities requiring knowledge of current events or current data. In industries where things change quickly like news technology or healthcare  this constraint is especially troublesome.

Limited knowledge

The fact that humans acquire greater knowledge throughout time is the greatest gift from nature. With their knowledge they create innovations and discoveries. However AI is incapable of doing it. The AI chatbot will continue to operate once you feed it new data until you do. Because ChatGPT and other models have a set date for their knowledge they are unaware of events or developments that have occurred after that date which is why their knowledge of AI is limited. This may hinder their capacity to forecast events accurately.

Not Knowing Stuff:

AI computers do not really understand the world. Sometimes, they get things wrong or make them too simple. This leads to wrong predictions.

Need Good Information:

When AI computers make guesses they depend on the information they learn from. If that info is wrong or not complete the guesses will be wrong too.

No Right or Wrong:

AI computers do not have a way to know what is right or wrong in tricky situations. This is a big problem when we need to make good guesses in situations that have tough moral choices.

No Personal Feelings:

This AI tool just does what it was trained to do. AI does not have personal thoughts or feelings. It does not feel happy sad or understand how you feel. It just looks at data and follows the rules. So, it does not add personal thoughts emotion or ideas into its answers.

Can chat GPT understand emotions?


No Feelings:  AI computers like Chat GPT cannot feel things. They answer questions based on patterns and data without experiencing happiness sadness understanding or any other feelings.

Just the Facts: AI answers are usually just facts with no feelings or opinions. They follow the rules and data.

Acting Nice: AI can sound nice and caring, but it is just learned words, not real feelings.

Moral and Emotional Stuff:  

In situations where being kind, understanding emotions or making the right moral choice is important AI like ChatGPT might not do well because it can not feel or understand emotions.

Data Matters: AI answers change based on what people say to them. They can sound caring, but it is just learned words, not real feelings.

Can chat GPT provide personal advice?

ChatGPT is like a helpful library that can give you general information and ideas about many things. But remember  it is not like your best friend who knows all about your life.


It does not know anything about your life like your experiences feelings or history. So this advice is not just for you personally.


The info it gives may not always be right or the best for your situation. It is like a general map but you might need a special map for some places like your health legal stuff or money.


If you have questions about important stuff like health law or your feelings it is super important to talk to an expert who knows that stuff well. Chat GPT cannot replace them.


You can use Chat GPT to start your journey of learning about something but don’t stop there. It is like taking the first step. For important things go deeper and ask people who really know their stuff.

What are the limitations of chat GPT in the market strategy?

Chat GPT has some limits when it comes to helping with business and marketing:

  1. Not an Expert in All Fields: Chat GPT knows a lot about many things but it is not an expert in specific industries. It cannot give super detailed advice about certain markets.
  2. Can’t Crunch Numbers: It cannot perform tasks like data analysis to inform you of current market trends such as what consumers are purchasing or what rivals are up to.
  3. No Access to Secret Stuff: It cannot see or understand confidential data about your business. So it cannot make strategies that are just for your company.
  4. Might Sound Ordinary: Sometimes it advice can be quite common and not very special. It may not give you an edge over others in your business.
  5. Looks Back in Time: It is ideas come from old texts so it might not know the latest stuff happening in the market.
  6. Doesn’t Get Your Business: It might not really understand your business your goals or your problems. That is important for making good marketing plans.
  7. Can’t Make Decisions: It cannot take action or put plans into motion.
  8. Just for Ideas: It can give your ideas and information but it cannot run marketing campaigns see how they are doing or change plans in real time.
  9. Think About Rules and Privacy: Using AI in marketing has to follow rules and laws like privacy. Chat GPT might not know these things by itself.
  10. Keep an Eye on It: When you use Chat GPT in business people need to watch over it to make sure it follows the rules and helps your business goals.


From the information provided in the blog it is evident that Chat GPT while a remarkable AI tool comes with various limitations. These limitations include its reliance on historical data lack of critical thinking abilities potential inaccuracies and its inability to provide personalized advice or understand emotions. Moreover in the context of market strategy it may lack industry specific knowledge and cannot analyze real time market data. It is important to recognize these limitations when using Chat GPT seeking human expertise for personalized advice and adhering to rules and regulations particularly in business and marketing applications. While this is a valuable resource it should be used alongside human judgment and expertise for the best results.


Q1: What are the limitations of Chat GPT regarding its knowledge cutoff?

Chat GPT knowledge is limited to events and information up to January 2022. It does not have access to data or events that occurred after this date.

Q2: How does Chat GPT handle critical thinking and moral judgments?

Chat GPT lacks critical thinking abilities and cannot make moral or reasoned judgments. It operates based on patterns and data without independent thinking.

Q3: Can Chat GPT provide information about current events or circumstances?

 No, it can only offer facts and experiences from the past. It cannot provide information on current events or circumstances.

Q4: Does Chat GPT have access to industry-specific knowledge for market strategy?

This is not an expert in specific industries and may not provide detailed advice for market strategy. It lacks real-time market data analysis and understanding of your business’s specific goals and problems.

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